November is Parent Involvement Month, and there are few topics needing our attention more than children’s online safety. But it’s not always easy to know where to begin. What type of digital safety measures should we expect schools to have in place? How do you know if your school or district is following best practices?
We can help! National PTA recently teamed up with education technology provider GoGuardian to create a straightforward resource for parents who want to promote effective digital safety practices in their school community. Inside, you’ll find a list of questions you can ask to better understand your district’s current digital safety plans and to open a dialogue about digital safety in your community.
What’s in your school’s digital safety plan?
Check out this new resource from National PTA and GoGuardian!

Three Reasons to Learn More About Your Student’s Online Activity
1. Safeguard Student Mental Health and Safety
80% of K-12 parents believe that unrestricted access to the Internet can be harmful to student mental health.
More than 88% of K-12 parents support the use of online tools that help detect signs of students considering self-harm or violence.
2. Protect Children from Harmful and Explicit Content
71% of K-12 parents have concerns about their child accessing explicit or harmful content on a school-issued device.
92% of K-12 parents believe it’s necessary to have online educational technologies in place to prevent such access.
3. Keep Students on Task While Accessing Digital Resources
93% of K-12 parents believe the internet is a useful learning tool that schools should use to enhance learning.
90% of parents believe it is necessary to have online education technologies in place that keep students away from digital distractions.
Source: The statistics above were drawn from a recent blind survey by Morning Consult of a nationally representative group of nearly 2,500 K-12 parents, teachers, and administrators.
Meet Our Sponsor
GoGuardian has been a Proud National Sponsor of PTA since 2018 and is supporting the release of our updated National Standards for Family-School Partnerships—going live this month! GoGuardian and the National PTA are committed to student success. Together, they are working to engage families and educators on solutions to best support student mental health and online safety.