New Year Resolution Stick Picks

By Scott Meeks

As the New Year approaches, why not make some resolutions with your kids to start off the New Year on a productive note. Check out these simple instructions, and start making a list of goals that you and your family would like to achieve either together or alone. You can simply use these sticks throughout the year to help you keep track of your goals.  

We make gingerbread houses at Christmas, so why not make a candy teepee for Thanksgiving!


  • Popsicle sticks
  • Black marker or paint pens
  • Jar


  • Have each member of the family write one or two resolutions onto some craft sticks. These are resolutions they’d like to see other members of the family doing in the New Year.
  • Gather all the sticks and put them into a jar.
  • At midnight on New Year’s Eve, have each member of the family draw one or two sticks from the jar. Whichever resolution they get, that’s the one they have to strive for in the New Year.

Resolution Suggestions: Eat more fruit. Visit gramma more often. Go for a run. Get all As in math class.

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