Teaching is a tiring, often thankless job. You work long hours, face immense pressures, and often invest your own salary back into the classroom. But your efforts and dedication to our children have not gone unnoticed.
We want to thank you for all that you do, both in the classroom and on your own time, to ensure the success of all children. You press on far beyond the school bell that signals the end of the day, and you serve as tutors, mentors, and coaches during evenings and weekends.
From all of us—the students, families and school administrators that make up the PTA—thank you for your commitment to building strong family-school partnerships and to making every child’s potential a reality!
In honor of your service, we have dedicated the first full week of May to you—PTA Teacher Appreciation Week—and encouraged your students’ families to express their gratitude for the sacrifices and support you offer each and every day. We have also devoted the April/May edition of Our Children magazine to you and created special teacher-focused Pinterest boards with ideas for fun classroom activities and creative lesson plans.
If you are an avid pinner, we invite you to join a community of teachers pinning their favorite activities to the National PTA Pinterest boards. If you are interested, please send your Pinterest user name and a link to your boards to socialmedia@pta.org. We cannot wait to see and share the many ways that you help your students learn and develop as well as improve their health and safety.
Thank you again for caring for, believing in, and inspiring students and their families year-round. You truly are building our children’s tomorrow in Today’s PTA!