Katy Bowman doesn’t believe in plopping down on a couch—or anywhere. “Most people drive to the gym to exercise,” says Katy, a biomechanist and the author of Don’t Just Sit There, a work-life wellness guide. “I prefer to put movement into my life all day.”
So what does a life of constant motion look like?
For starters, husband Michael cut the legs off the kitchen table, so the family sits cross-legged on the floor or on wood stumps to eat. The dishes are in low cabinets, forcing the couple to squat to grab a plate.
And everyone sleeps in one room—on futon pads, because the pads are closer to the ground than mattresses, forcing their bodies to “cross-train” as they climb in and out daily.
Why live like this?
Read the full story at GoodHousekeeping.com.