A father’s involvement with his child serves a vital role on the impact of their development, and the socio-emotional and academic functioning within their lives.
Research shows that when dads and other father figures are engaged in children’s education, student grades and test scores improve, attendance increases and students are more involved in school activities.
While fathers are spending more time with their children, many feel they’re still not doing enough. Roughly half (48%) say they spend too little time with their kids. Only 25% of mothers say the same.
Dads + Kids = Improved Milestones
Active and regular father engagement with children impacts a range of positive outcomes, including enhancing cognitive development and decreasing delinquency and poverty in low socioeconomic families. It is important to educate men about the benefits of their engagement and support, not only at home but in their schools as well.
With more fathers stepping up in their daily roles and becoming more active with their children, the change of roles has introduced a new form of fatherhood in America.
With fathers taking a more active role within communities and schools, it is important to share these values with other dads through engagement programs and various projects. Here are some programs that encourage dads to be involved:
- The Black Star Project’s Million Father March asks fathers to take kids to school on the first day as the beginning of a year-long commitment to supporting children’s education.
- The National Compadres Network facilitates involvement of Hispanic and Latino fathers and men.
- The National Partnership for Community Leadership (NPCL) hosts an annual fatherhood conference on fatherhood research and programs.
The PTA MORE Alliance is helping PTAs get more men involved in students’ education. The partnering organizations The WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) program can also help you reach and engage your dads as can All Pro Dad, Strong Fathers-Strong Families and 100 Black Men of America, Inc. These four programs make up
All of these programs and resources have proven to be effective tools in bringing fathers and father-figures into schools in unique and powerful ways in order to build PTA membership and capacity.
Dad-To-Dad Tips
Eric Snow, president and cofounder of WATCH D.O.G.S.—and a dad shares the countless ways dads can be involved in their child’s education at all ages that will make a difference …
- Make it a point to introduce yourself to your child’s teacher(s) and principal. These are your partners in your child’s education and they are important people in your child’s life. Do your best to get to know them and make
sure they know who you are. Attend every parent/teacher conference possible. This is your opportunity to hear directly from the teacher about your child’s progress in school, educationally and socially. - Understand that most volunteers have someplace else they could be. Don’t believe people who volunteer simply have loads of free time. It’s not true. It’s a matter of priorities and commitment.
- Tell your child’s principal and teacher(s) you would really like to help out at school in some way and be prepared to follow through. Even if you only have a few available hours over the course of a school year, it will be time
well invested. - Join your PTA. Even if mom already has a membership, your membership will add your voice to the great advocacy work PTA does at the local, state and national level on behalf of all of our children.