Why Do PTA’s Need Insurance?


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Volunteers together

Being part of your local PTA is a great way to be involved and bettering the community is a very noble cause. What most people outside this network don’t know is, its hard work!! And there are an endless amount unseen details required for every field trip, every fundraiser and nearly every decision a PTA has to make. In the end, your PTA is run like a small business and takes on liability for all these decisions.

So why does your PTA need insurance? Did you know that you as an individual member of the PTA or officer of the PTA could be help personally liable for an accident that occurs at one of your events? Your board, your members and your volunteers work hard for every dollar and every event, so protecting your money, your people and your property is not something to be overlooked.

Your Events

An event happening with chalk powder.

Event Insurance (General Liability)
Fact: if a child is injured at an event put on by your PTA, you could be held personally liable, along with your PTA, for the accident and legally sued. School insurance typically does not extend to the PTA and even when it does many activities of the PTA are NOT covered.

In addition to injuries, PTA’s have liability for property damage sustained during PTA events which is also covered by General Liability. Most PTA’s don’t have the time or money to support a lawsuit, so its HIGHLY advisable to seek coverage which can be obtained for less than the cost of 1 hour with an attorney!

Your Money

Saving Money

Embezzlement Insurance (Fidelity Bond)
Embezzlement. Most PTA members believe that no one would ever steal from their PTA but sadly, embezzlement is overtaking General Liability as one of the most common claims. It usually happens over a period of time and by the time the PTA becomes aware, what started as $50 here and there, turns into thousands of missing dollars.

Fidelity Bond coverage protects your money. Make sure you secure coverage that offers protection for theft by anyone in your organization, not just theft by a treasurer.

Your Property

Pop-corn machine

Property Insurance
Oftentimes it’s a group’s own personal property that, while at an event or in storage, becomes damaged. Popcorn machines, cotton candy machines, fundraising merchandise, spirit wear, game prizes, silent auction items… PTA’s often take responsibility for thousands of dollars in personal property. What most PTA’s don’t consider is how they would recoup these costs in the event of theft or damage.

Fortunately, Property Insurance can be obtained very affordably for a little as $10,000 in limit.

Your Directors & Officers

PTA Director and officers

Directors and Officers Liability
The Directors & Officers of your PTA are tasked with making big decisions in addition to keeping the peace in times of differing opinions. PTA’s often wonder whether they can be sued for these decisions as a whole or individually and the answer is both.

If someone decides to sue an officer or director of a PTA for mismanagement, misrepresentation, dissemination of false or misleading information or inappropriate actions, Directors and Officers Liability coverage will pay to defend them personally, in addition to the PTA as a whole.

AIM Insurance has been helping PTA’s for over 30 years and hopes to spread awareness on the importance of protecting your PTA. To learn more click here.

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